最近几天在网上看到有关一位美国股市上最伟大的投机王,杰西。利维摩尔(Jesse Livermore), 一时引起我的兴趣,想要了解他成功的因素。他的生平和事迹在网上很轻易的就可以了解,其中最让人津津乐道的事他在1929年美国股市大崩盘时赚近1亿美元,而当时美国的国民生产总值只是42亿而已。
1. 当股价上涨才入场买该股,当股价下跌时才卖出该股
2. 不要每天都入场股市,要等股市出现很明显的“牛”或“熊”市。要紧贴大市走势。大市升就买,大市跌就卖。
3. 当临界点到来,调整你的交易活动,来进行下一步
4. 等大市肯定你的看法时才入场,而且行动要迅速
5. 当你赚钱时,让你的利润继续,当你亏损时(10%)你必须马上止亏
6. 当大市不再和你同步时,结束你的交易,兑现你的利润
7. 买该行业领头羊的股 – 买那只有很强趋势的股
8. 当你在亏损时不要去再加码来拉低平均价
9. 绝对不能有Margin Call – 一旦面临 Margin Call你最好结束交易,离开股市
10. 买入当股价创新高时,卖出当股价创新低时
临界点(Pivot point) :
1. Buy rising stocks and sell falling stocks.
2. Do not trade every day of every year. Trade only when the market is clearly bullish or bearish. Trade in the direction of the general market. If it's rising you should be long, if it's falling you should be short.
3. Co-ordinate your trading activity with pivot points.
4. Only enter a trade after the action of the market confirms your opinion and then enter promptly.
5. Continue with trades that show you a profit, end trades that show a loss.
6. End trades when it is clear that the trend you are profiting from is over.
7. In any sector, trade the leading stock - the one showing the strongest trend.
8. Never average losses by, for example, buying more of a stock that has fallen.
9. Never meet a margin call - get out of the trade.
10. Go long when stocks reach a new high. Sell short when they reach a new low.
虽然杰西。利维摩尔(Jesse Livermore)的交易规则,对常在股市投机或投资的人来说不是什么新鲜的“金玉良言”,都是熟口熟脸的一般交易原则,可是要去很规律的去执行这些规则,不是一件易事,甚至杰西。利维摩尔本身也有不遵守自己定下的规则,结果在10年后,亏掉了他几乎所赚来的1亿美元。他身前有句语录:“投资者必须提防很多事情,但最主要的是要提防自己。”
杰西。利维摩尔(Jesse Livermore)的个人网站 http://www.jesse-livermore.com/